Catholic Charities, Diocese of Youngstown is joining with the Catholic Charities network around the country to participate in
We Are There, a national awareness campaign highlighting the life-giving services Catholic Charities agencies provide in their local communities.
We Are There: Talking Points
The We Are There campaign is an effort to raise awareness about the life-changing, inspiring work done by Catholic Charities agencies in local communities all around the country. Wherever people are vulnerable and in need, we are there to offer comfort, relief and hope. The campaign includes national media advertising as well as targeted local advertising promoting Catholic Charities agencies like ours.
There are 168 independent Catholic Charities agencies and 3,900 service locations spread out across the United States, including its five territories. Catholic Charities agencies are ministries of their local dioceses and their bishops. Collectively, the Catholic Charities network served more than 15 million people last year.
There is an old saying: if you’ve visited one Catholic Charities agency, you’ve visited one Catholic Charities agency. While we all serve the same purpose and are part of a shared network, each Catholic Charities agency is unique. Catholic Charities agencies serve the specific needs of the most vulnerable populations in their local communities. The types of people in need and the services they require can vary significantly from community to community. What remains constant throughout the country is that vulnerable people know that they can turn to Catholic Charities when they need assistance.
Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) is the national membership organization for Catholic Charities agencies. Our agency is one of 168 members of CCUSA. CCUSA provides training, convenings, intermediary funding and other resources to its member agencies and advocates on behalf of the Catholic Charities network and the people it serves. CCUSA planned and organized the We Are There campaign in partnership with its member agencies.
Catholic Charities serves people in need, regardless of their faith or background. The services offered by each local Catholic Charities agency are tailored to the specific needs of the vulnerable members of their individual communities. After storms and natural disasters hit, Catholic Charities agencies help families and communities recover and rebuild. As neighbors age, Catholic Charities agencies lighten their burdens. As veterans return to civilian life, Catholic Charities agencies offer support with housing, behavioral health services, job training and more. Whatever the need, from food and nutrition programs to workforce development initiatives, Catholic Charities agencies are there for our neighbors in need.
Yes, some Catholic Charities agents serve migrants and refugees, as has been the case for decades. For agencies located near the southern border, this sometimes includes operating respite centers where migrants who have been allowed to enter the country by the federal government receive a warm meal, a shower, a change of clothes, and a place to sleep for one or two nights before moving on to their court-assigned destination cities. At agencies in the interior of the country, Catholic Charities agencies often offer newly arrived immigrant and refugee families many of the same services that are available to any vulnerable families in our community, from food and nutrition support to help securing housing or employment. The services Catholic Charities agencies offer to migrants are done in close coordination with and at the request of local, state and federal governments and consistent with our Gospel-mandated mission to serve those most in need in our midst. (Note: For a full FAQ on Catholic Charities work with migrants, please refer to And They Shall Know Us By Our Love).
To learn more about the We Are There campaign, please visit WeAreThere.US (we are there dot U.S.) You can also visit our social media channels and re-share our We Are There posts and messages. And if people are interested in volunteering and supporting our work, please visit our agency website.