Miguel and Anna

Miguel and Anna arrived in the United States last year from Peru. Through the help of Catholic Charities Regional Agency Hispanic Outreach Program, the family is well established and thriving. Wanda Gallego- Roche, MSW, has worked with the family in many ways. Despite language barriers, Miguel is employed, the family has a place to live […]

Suzanne’s Story

Suzanne called into Catholic Charities looking for help with her gas bill. She was in threat of disconnection and unsure how her and her husband would pay the amount needed to stay on. In March of 2020, she was forced to stop working when her children’s school went to remote learning due to the pandemic. […]

Miranda’s Story

Miranda called into Catholic Charities seeking help with her gas bill. Her service had been disconnected for approximately 2 days when she reached out for assistance. Miranda had been hopeful she would be able to pay the amount needed to restore her service on her own, but could not. With four children in the home […]

Kimberly’s Story

“Kimberly” came to Catholic Charities to inquire about our First Step program. She had only recently learned that she was seven months pregnant! She had been told by medical professionals that she would never be able to have children, so you can imagine how shocked and overwhelmed she felt when she came to us for […]

Mrs. S

Mrs. S. is a recently divorced mother getting S.N.A.P. payments (food stamps). She has two kids and a car that occasionally starts. She dropped out of high school in the eleventh grade and worked as a sales clerk for a number of employers before getting married five years later. Simply put, Mrs. S.’s husband just […]

Jane’s Story

Jane is a young mother of a one-year old daughter. Jane does not have a good support system and when she lost her full-time job, she fell behind on her rent and utilities. Caring for her daughter became an impossible task. Jane contacted Catholic Charities and was able to meet with a First Step case […]