Nancy Voitus, Executive Director
319 W. Rayen Ave.
Youngstown, OH 44502
Click for Directions
Phone: (330) 744-3320

Hearing Impaired?
Please Contact: Ohio Relay Services
Information and Referral Line

Columbiana County
Christina Center

115 E. Washington St.
Lisbon, OH 44432
Click for Directions
Phone: (330) 420-0845
Office Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm, M – F

Mahoning County
319 W. Rayen Ave.
Youngstown, OH  44502
Click for Directions
Phone: (330) 744-3320
Office Hours:  8:30am – 4:30pm, M – F


Columbiana County
Christina House
Domestic Violence Program
PO Box 262
Lisbon, OH  44432
Undisclosed Location
(330) 420-0036   24-Hour Crisis Line
Mahoning County
Voice of Hope Shelter I

2124 Glenwood Avenue
Youngstown, OH 44511
Click for Directions
Phone: (234) 228-9761

Columbiana County Senior Center
600 E. 4th St.
East Liverpool, OH 43920
Click for Directions
Phone: (330) 385-7829
Office Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm, M – TH
8:30am – 1:30pm, Friday

Trumbull County   
185 Laird Ave. NE
Warren, OH 44483
Click for Directions
Phone: (330) 393-4254
Office Hours:  8:30am – 4:30pm, M – F


  • Adoption and Foster Care Information & Referral
  • Basic Needs Assistance
  • Catholic Charities Senior Center
  • Christina House Domestic Violence Program
  • Ex-Offender/ Prison Re-Entry/ Linkages Services
  • Financial Education
  • First Step / Pregnancy Support Services
  • Guardianship Services
  • Homeless Outreach & Rapid Rehousing
  • Housing Counseling
  • Information And Referral Services
  • Senior Support Services
  • SOAR Project Benefit Bank

Adoption and Foster Care Information & Referral

  • Effective July 2016, the Agency has closed its Adoption and Foster Care Program.  We will no longer conduct home studies or accept custody of infants, nor facilitate placements.

The agency will continue to maintain all present adoption files that the agency possesses, and will continue to provide information on Adoption Searches in accordance with Ohio laws.  Non-identifying information will be shared unless a court order is present to otherwise share records.

Information packets will be sent to anyone inquiring on adoption.

Pregnant women and families will still be seen through the agency’s First Step Program.

Basic Needs Assistance

This is a specific program for individuals and families to provide financial assistance in crises. Services provided include:
  • Assessment of the client’s immediate needs.
  • Provision of available financial assistance when appropriate.
  • Connecting the client with community resources to meet the need within the context of a plan.
  • Provide advocacy service for individuals with other community resources.

Those seeking help with rent, utilities, food, prescriptions, toiletries, cleaning supplies, diapers, formula, etc. are welcome to contact the agency Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm.

  • In most cases, you will need to schedule an appointment.
  • Some locations have limited walk in hours; call for details.
  • Applicants should bring a photo ID, proof of income, and information regarding the request – i.e. utility bill/disconnection notice/ eviction notice/ lease, etc.
  • Assistance is typically limited to one time in twelve months.
  • Gently used clothing for children, household items, cleaning & paper products and hygiene products are available at the various sites. Please call the specific site for details and availability.
  • Holiday assistance is provided based on sponsorship resources. Specific holiday assistance information can be obtained at each site.

Catholic Charities Senior Center

  • Catholic Charities Senior Center provides on-site and home delivered meals in the immediate East Liverpool/ Wellsville/ Calcutta area; socialization and resources to senior citizens in southern Columbiana County; telephone reassurance; and assistance with supportive services and basic needs. The Center, at times, provides a free community meal and special events for the community.

Christina House Domestic Violence Program

Christina House is a domestic violence shelter for women and children in Columbiana
County. Services for male victims are available. The program offers crisis intervention,
temporary shelter, a victim’s advocate, case management and emotional support. The
victim’s advocate works closely with the Prosecutor’s office for assistance with
protection orders.

  • The Shelter can be accessed through a 24-hour crisis phone line at (330) 420-
    0036 or text 234-335-7908..  The Shelter is at a confidential location.  There is no cost for the services.
  • The goal for the shelter is a 30-day stay with development of an individualized
    service plan and assistance with reaching goals for discharge.

Ex-Offender/ Prison Re-Entry/ Linkages Services

  • This project works with people leaving the criminal justice system with mental illness and/or substance abuse, and at risk of homelessness.
  • People leaving the State Correctional System or the County Jail or Community Corrections Association are eligible for the program. Specific concerns are for employment, housing and linkage to treatment and other community resources.

* This service is only available in Mahoning and Trumbull counties.

Financial Education

Develops and enhances money management skills.
  • Individual one-on-one and group sessions are available to provide education on budgeting, credit, credit reporting, scams, predatory lending, and the importance of establishing a savings plan. Group sessions may be tailored to meet the group’s needs.

First Step / Pregnancy Support Services

This is a specific program for any person experiencing a pregnancy, or their significant others, that they deem a crisis situation. Generally it is for families with children 0 to 3 years old.

The First Step Program provides information to birth parents needed to help them plan for themselves and their unborn child. This service offers:

  • Supportive case management
  • Limited emergency financial assistance
  • Connects clients with community resources to help them plan to parent.
  • Provide information concerning the adoption option (all phases), as well as the parenting option.
  • All Baby Resources provides needed baby items, diapers, equipment and clothing as available.

Catholic Charities Regional Agency is proud to partner with Project MKC, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located in Youngstown, dedicated to serving the most vulnerable children in North East Ohio.  To find out more visit or find them on Facebook at

Guardianship Services

  • This program utilizes agency staff to serve as “Guardians of Person” to Mahoning County residents who are over the age of 18 and lack available, appropriate family to fill this role. This is a legal relationship established by the Mahoning County Probate Court between two parties, one being the “guardian” (Catholic Charities) and the other party being the ward.  If, after a thorough investigation and hearing, the Court finds a person appropriate to need a guardian,  then the Court will appoint a legal guardian naming the Agency in that role. The target population is persons with a mental health condition or a developmental disability, which would render them unable to make critical medical and personal decisions, creating a vulnerability to physical, mental and financial abuse and/or exploitation.  

Homeless Outreach & Rapid Rehousing

  • The Homeless Assistance available includes limited outreach, assessment of
    needs and linkage with resources for shelter, housing, and related needs.
  • Homeless clients are referred to the local Coordinated Entry system and
    prioritized based on their individual situation.
  • Homeless clients may visit the agency during business hours on Monday through
    Friday. Every effort will be made to have homeless individuals meet with a
    caseworker as a walk in depending on availability.
  • Referrals to other programs will be a priority to stabilize the situation.

Housing Counseling 

HUD certified program which assists with a broad range of housing concerns.
  • Foreclosure/default counseling is available for those who have fallen behind on their mortgage payment. A housing counselor will serve as an intermediary between the client and the lender, exploring all options which may help prevent the foreclosure.
  • Pre-purchase counseling educates prospective homeowners about affordability and the home buying process.
  • Down payment assistance is available depending upon grant funds.

Down Payment Assistance/Homeownership Program

Catholic Charities has a Homeownership Program that works collaboratively with our HUD certified housing counselors in the Diocese of Youngstown. This program offers down-payment assistance, pre– and post-purchase housing counseling, and home maintenance training.

Depending on the cost of the home and the amount you need to borrow, you may qualify for up to $3,000.00 in assistance toward down-payment and closing costs. You must contribute 1% of the mortgage cost.

Effective July 2024, CCRA is working with the City of Youngstown on the At Home Program to encourage homeownership in the City of Youngstown. Program details can be obtained by calling the Youngstown office at 330-744-3320 for more information or contacting the City of Youngstown. This program is for new homeowners as well as repeat homebuyers who have been pre-approved through approved lenders only. Must meet credit eligibility.

View  flyer for additional information.

Advantages/disadvantages of homeownership:
Monthly spending analysis
Costs of purchasing a home
Stable employment and income
Credit record

Shopping for a home:
Sources of leads
House evaluation checklist
Negotiating the purchase price
Home inspection

Calculating available cash and assets:
Analysis of gross/net income
Mortgage loans
Loan process
Mortgage loan terms
Loan closing
Understanding your obligations

Life as a homeowner:
Protecting your investment
Home maintenance / home repairs
Record keeping
Household budgeting / Homeowner equity

Information And Referral Services

  • Staff and associates provide clients with other resources available within the community.   Staff works to collaborate and network within other community programs and services to assist clients in getting resources and benefits they need.

Senior Support Services

Supportive Services for Seniors is a program that provides social services, case management, advocacy, transportation and resource networking on behalf of adults, age 60 and over. 
  • This service provides client assessment, casework, face-to-face interviews, collateral interviews, service delivery, advocacy with community resources, assistance with entitlement program applications, and networking with formal and informal support systems on behalf of clients.  Some limited prescription assistance is available and referrals are made for assistance through pharmaceutical company programs.  It is a Passport provider program and a provider of Levy services in Mahoning County.


  • Assists with an expedited program for applications to Social Security
    Disability or SSI, prioritizing those who are at risk of homelessness with a
    mental health disability.

Voice of Hope Shelter

The Catholic Charities Voice of Hope Shelters are an alternative for people not
able to access existing emergency shelter in Mahoning County.

  • The Voice of Hope Shelters are available to help households with children as well as a temporary emergency shelter for those experiencing homelessness.
  • At present there is one location in Youngstown with 24-hour staff and a case manager/ social worker who will help with planning for transitioning to stable housing from the shelter. The goal for the shelter is a 30-day stay.
  • Referral to coordinated entry and assistance through the Rapid Rehousing Program are part of the program as appropriate.

Contact Catholic Charities Regional Agency

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